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Women's Retreats

Say HELL YES to yourself!

A women's retreat to replenish, connect, and thrive

Sayulita, Mexico
April 5-12, 2025

If you’re a woman who is too freakin’ busy and you’re ready to jump off the hectic treadmill, embrace your worthiness and get crystal clear on what’s most important, then join us for this powerful retreat where you’ll connect with amazing women, your wisest self and a fierce conviction to THRIVE.

Looking around the closing evening circle, you see the beauty and power of yourself reflected in  the eyes of your new soul sisters. You feel the warmth of the sand between your toes as you connect to the earth. The sound of the crashing waves reminds you how grounded and powerful you’ve felt all week. You can’t remember the last time your body felt so relaxed and open to all of life’s possibilities.


Stepping into the center of the sacred circle of women surrounding you, you realize you can finally take a full breath. The stress has melted away.


​You feel the love and support swirling around you and realize that you can always return to this glowing feeling. This magical time has been all you desired and a sense of overwhelming gratitude is brimming in your heart and eyes. 

You reflect on the journey you co-created -  the depth of sharing, the sweetness of your newfound connections and the fullness of having truly replenished your body and soul. You feel a deep knowing in your bones that the new ideas, skills and vision will help you create the life of your wildest dreams. Your commitment is fierce and you trust that this transformational experience is part of you now.

You have the most glorious feeling that you've come home to yourself...

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Why should you say yes?

During  this retreat, you’ll learn the root cause of your busyness and let that sh*t go so you can kick your overwhelm to the curb.


Ocean view yoga, blissful hammock naps and rejuvenating dips in the saltwater infinity pool will allow you to reset and recharge so you leave feeling grounded, present and inspired to integrate all of this yumminess at home.


The ocean air will infuse you with bliss!


Each glorious day will include powerful group coaching and experiential learning where you’ll learn tools to prioritize yourself so your name shows up at the top of the priority list. It’s finally time for YOU!


While being immersed in stunning nature we will show you how to embrace your Enoughness so you can finally feel worthy just for being you. How amazing is that?


You’ll experience guided visualizations, thought provoking journal prompts and intentional silence where you’ll hear the whispers of your inner truth and connect with your wisest self so you will be crystal clear on what’s a HELL YES in your life.

By the end of this retreat, you’ll gain deep conviction to create the life you desire and deserve!!


Sayulita, Mexico

Sayulita is “the crown jewel” of the Riviera Nayarit. It’s well known for its surfing/boho/yoga/chill vibe where people are friendly and laid back. Sayulita is so special, in fact, it's been named a pueblo magico by the government of Mexico, a designation reserved exclusively for the most enchanting towns throughout Mexico that provide visitors with a "magical experience", due to their culture, history, or natural beauty.


Nearby San Pancho – colorful, playful and fun – is like a bite-sized Sayulita. Browse the shops and enjoy the peaceful vibe and dine under the colorful flags.



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Sunset is an important ritual in San Pancho. Locals and travelers alike pause their day to gather on the beach to watch the sun drop into the ocean. Their devotion to this spectacular event usually ends in joyous applause! We experienced this delightful ritual ourselves and it was truly heartwarming.

Ahhh - connecting to the rhythms of Nature feels so right.


About Haramara

“One of the 10 Best Yoga Retreats in the World”

~ Yoga Journal’s review of Haramara Retreat

Haramara (“Mother Sea”) is located 25 miles north of Puerto Vallarta and is nestled on 12 private acres of tropical jungle with a private and pristine beach. Located near ancient sanctuaries, quaint towns and natural wonders, this oceanfront slice of paradise is awe inspiring and downright dreamy.

Haramara is an oasis of peace  in our modern world - the cabanas are lit by oil lamp and cell phone service is limited so you can reconnect to yourself, your deeper desires and the rhythms of nature.


We personally scouted properties and chose Haramara just for YOU. Haramara is a magical and idyllic sanctuary that is worthy of women who are ready to treat themselves, replenish, and unplug from the noise of life. 


Just imagine… 


Arriving at this lush paradise, you’ll be warmly welcomed by Mexican hospitality. Feel the tension melt away as you take in the stunning ocean views, the tropical vegetation and the sound of the surf. Here there is no “To Do” list and you’ll have the space to simply BE. An immediate sense of calm and ease will fill your being.


Lounging by the infinity pool overlooking the ocean, and soaking up the warm Mexican sun will happen on the daily. You’ll delight in the jungle walk from your room to dip your toes in the ocean. In the early evening, you’ll sink into the hot tub and bask in the waning rose gold light as the sun drops below the horizon. 


You’ll be delighted with your open air casita which exudes elegant simplicity and comfort. You may want to take a siesta in a hammock where you can be lulled by the sounds of the ocean and jungle breeze.

Your room is a peaceful sanctuary to rejuvenate and truly unplug while you enjoy your time of rest, connection and growth.


     Many things to look forward to:

  • Having a meaningful conversation by the cool refreshing infinity pool  

  • Exquisitely pampering massage by the sea listening to the surf

  • Stunning oceanside sunsets to fill your soul with wonder

  • Open air showers with complete privacy and jungle views

  • Connecting to your natural circadian rhythms by disconnecting from your phone and basking in the glow of your candlelit room.

Serenity awaits!


OH - the flavors!


Get excited for our curated menu of mouthwatering traditional Mexican dishes highlighting the flavors of the region. You’ll be delighted by the beauty and flavors of each uniquely designed meal. We believe that food is an essential part of our retreat so the chef has created dishes that will nourish your body, spirit and taste buds!

Delicacies to look forward to:

  • succulent shrimp

  • the freshest guacamole

  • ceviche (our favorite!)

  • the BEST fish tacos on earth

  • refreshing green smoothies


As you savor each bite, you will be blown away by the stunning views from our treehouse dining area. Fresh morning breezes, breaching whales and beautiful sunsets are all included!


Expertly prepared and generous amounts of seasonal local and mostly organic

fruits/vegetables are served with delicious seafood for every meal.

All meals will include options for different dietary needs. We’ve got you!

Our Journey

Our Journey

This retreat is designed to fill up your entire being!

Take a look at each tab to see what we have planned for you.


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  •  This retreat is designed to nourish your body each and every day!

  • Morning movement overlooking the ocean will help open, support and ground you for the day ahead. 

  • You will be nourished with delicious, healthy authentic local cuisine.

  •  You can lounge as desired by the rolling waves of the ocean, take a relaxing dip in the pool or enjoy a dreamy hammock siesta.

  • Take advantage of the pampering services at the ocean-side spa- perhaps a Janzu water therapy?!

  • Experience the Monkey Mountain jungle hike with stunning views.

I said “HELL YES to Me!” to a 5 day retreat of self-healing in Sayulita, Mexico and met 10 beautiful and inspiring women. They showed me that it’s ok to be vulnerable and speak my truth and let me listen to theirs.


I left feeling held, heard and excited for the future, armed with new tools to guide me.


I’m forever grateful to our fearless leaders Margaret and Page. 




Your Retreat Benefits


By the end of this retreat you will have:


Authentically shared your truth and been seen and heard by other intuitive women. 


Absorbed the deep wisdom of the group so you can finally feel worthy of self-love and acceptance.  


Connected to your wise leader within and her guidance in your relationships, work and home life.  


Put yourself first and made time in your life to go within and nourish your soul. HOORAY! You are now at the top of the list where you belong. 


Danced with your inner critic so you can stop letting that voice run your life.


Committed to your dreams and goals. No more playing small! Period.


Upon returning home you will embrace:


Fun, joy and laughter which have returned to your spirit and your zest for life is overflowing.


This profound transformation will bless your life, your family and all of your relationships. Many will wonder where this determination and radiance are coming from.  


The possibilities are endless.


It's time to say HELL YES to you.

This journey is ABSOLUTELY for you if:


  • You want to take charge of your life and your mindset

  • You are craving rest and need to recharge away from your busy life

  • You are open to being vulnerable with other women to grow, connect & learn

  • It’s time to put yourself first and get clarity on your goals and dreams

  • The idea of this journey and adventure makes you both excited and nervous

  • You are secretly (or not so secretly) wanting more sacred energy in your life

  • You are ready to embrace your Enoughness and self worth

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I went out of the cramped and damp car a

This journey is NOT for you if:

  • You aren’t willing to try new things

  • You’re not interested in doing your inner work 

  • You don’t want to challenge your limiting beliefs/inner critics

  • You aren’t willing to cry, get real and share your feelings with others

  • You'd rather stay stuck and exhausted


The Bonuses

You deserve to be spoiled, so we’ve added:


  • Connection Call – 20 minutes of 1:1 time with Margaret or Page so she can get to know you personally and best support you on your journey


  • Access to a Private Retreat WhatsApp Group – so we can connect pre-trip (you can ask questions and receive update-to-date trip info) and then we’ll stay connected post-trip – and of course swap photos!


  • Pre-Trip Group Zoom Call – a fun opportunity to meet everyone in the group, share your intentions/hopes and discuss how to get ready for the journey!


  • An extra special post-retreat 30 minute 1:1 Coaching Connection with Margaret or Page.


  • Post-Trip Group Zoom Call – we’ll gather to help integrate your learnings once back at home!

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What's Included


7 powerful days of sacred circles and coaching, guided meditations, ceremonies + lots of deep connections and laughter all week!

7 nights of rustic luxurious accommodation at Haramara Retreat Center - a well-established, experienced retreat destination nestled in the jungle by the sea.

All meals- 7 delicious sunset dinners, 6 healthy lunches and 7 yummy breakfasts (with a couple of mouth-watering local meals in surprise locations). Pescatarian and vegetarian meals available.

Nourishing optional daily group activities like oceanview yoga, tai chi, energizing dance and chill stretching.

One incredible guided outdoor adventure of YOUR choice! Choose from activities like: Monkey Mountain hike, bird watching, horseback riding, jungle canopy zip lining, surfing or SUP lesson. (Subject to availability)

2 experienced soulful facilitators to hold the space for this kick ass journey!

Temazcal - a mystical local ceremony that purifies inside and out in an extraordinary place full of magic

A unique and memorable fire celebration overlooking the ocean

Transportation to and from airport April 5th & 12th (designated times only!)

A few delightful surprises because we adore our retreat family!

Special Thrive gift bag


What’s NOT Included:

  • Your round-trip airfare from home

  • Souvenir shopping, spa services, taxis, laundry, tips for hotel staff & bar services

  • Personal, medical or trip cancellation insurance (STRONGLY recommended)


You must arrive at Licenciado Gustavo Diaz Ordaz International Airport in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (PVR) on Saturday April 5th by 3:00 pm (in time for our welcome dinner) and depart Saturday April  12th after 2:00 pm


Please do NOT make any travel arrangements until you receive your confirmation from Margaret & Page.


Group transportation will be provided for you to and from Haramara.

**If you are not able to arrive in time to be on those transports, we can help you arrange your own taxi to the retreat center (at your own cost).


Retreat Leaders

WE ARE your hosts for this magical event and also long-time besties who are both known for being soulful, wise, fierce, fun and we love great hugs!


WE SUPPORT women to find their voice, power and clarity, to examine old patterns and create new value-based behaviors, to speak their truth and access their authentic inner wise woman - in sacred, safe, healing spaces together with other women.


WE BRING  25 years of commitment to our own self-awareness and growth. As experienced facilitators (Woman Within International) and certified CTI (Coaches Training Institute) coaches we passionately pass along what we've learned by guiding hundreds of women through their own journeys.


WE KNOW that when women gather with open hearts, curiosity, authenticity and intention, we can create lasting changes. Women create magic simply by showing up in their truth.  


WE DESIGNED this transformational retreat for YOU as we’ve both been challenged by not Enoughness, inner critic BS, not putting ourselves first and the busyness trap. How amazing would it be to free yourself  and commit to what you really want and crave?


WE BELIEVE in you having, being and creating a life that you truly love! Our commitment to transformation with humor and joy is what keeps us together and what sets us apart. This kind of connection is a rare gift from the Universe and we’re committed to sharing it with as many women as possible. Join us! 


with love,


My deepest belief is that we are here to love and heal ourselves so we may help others to love and heal. At the tender age of 19, I attended my first transformational healing workshop.  I knew I wanted to stop feeling depressed, hopeless and broken.  With the support of intentional, loving, supportive wise women I began my journey to wholeness.   


I’ve also struggled with my inner critics since my teenage years when I began telling myself I wasn’t good enough, smart enough, capable enough. Helping others transform their relationship with their inner critics has become my lifelong mission. Life is too damn short to not feel like enough!


As a busy mom of two teenagers, it’s very easy for me  to put my needs dead last. I’m wired to do everything for others and never sit down or rest. I’ve learned over the years that doing my growth work, taking personal retreats and carving out time for self-care makes all the difference in how I show up as a mom, wife, business owner, leader and friend.  


It’s my passion and mission to help women reclaim their power, their whole heart and their Enoughness. 


About Margaret


My life has been an unfolding journey since my very first workshop (Woman Within) at age 25. A constant unfolding process. My passion and gift is holding space for people to be seen and heard – it’s absolutely what I am here to do! 


For over 20 years I have been facilitating amazing transformational programs for several non-profit organizations. Now is my time to partner with Margaret and pour all of my life, skills and passion into a program of our own design. Woot!


I have been a woman who struggles with feeling enough – and it has kept me so freaking busy I can barely stand it. I often joked that my To Do List has its own To Do list which is cheeky and also truly exhausting. Perhaps I was trying to earn my inheritance, or prove my worth or I inherited a Puritan work ethic that constantly kicked my ass. 

I knew that this was a pattern that only I could break - it was up to me. And it has been a process of evaluation, self love, choice and balancing priorities. What I know is that I am Enough and my worth comes from who I am rather than what I do. This has set me free. My deepest desire is for you to find and unlock your own truth so you can Thrive.

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About Page



I was initially taken aback by the cost and I’m so glad I made this investment in myself. I was really blown away with the quality of every aspect of this experience. The food, lodging, retreat site, yoga, adventures and leadership made it worth every penny. I had some important A-ha's while having a wonderful time AND pampering myself. Highly Recommend! I can't wait to go back again.



This was the most important thing I have done for myself, and I will always be thankful for the time I spent with this amazing group of women. The morning yoga, the yummy meals, and the guidance provided by Margaret and Page were all wonderful. I came back feeling lighter, hopeful, accepted, seen, and heard.


I can't wait to experience it all over again next year.



Margaret and Page have provided such a safe space for women who were strangers to feel comfortable and vulnerable with new people. Their intuition and insights were so valuable to me and the whole group. I feel more empowered than I even knew I could be!


I have purpose, clarity and I’m ready to embrace the life that I want and deserve.

Your Accomodations

Space is LIMITED- grab your casita today!

Payment plans available!

Jungle Casitas


Enjoy rustic luxury, designed to create a simple, natural and elegant space offering a sanctuary of comfort. Each individual open air casita offers privacy and seclusion while still taking advantage of the spectacular views of the Pacific Ocean and jungle canopy.


  • Unplug and allow your senses to come alive in the peace and quiet

  • Delight in the whimsy of your private treehouse casita

  • Return to the ancient rhythms and sounds of nature

  • Bask in the soft glow of your candle lit room

  • Luxurious and refreshing open air shower with your own jungle view

Let this respite be your home away from home where you can truly retreat!

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*click button below to see Casita details & pricing

To join us - your $500 non-refundable deposit reserves your place.


   50% of your balance is due by: Nov 1, 2024

100% of your balance is due by: Jan 15, 2025


Is this retreat really worth the cost?

Great question!


Just look at the delicious photos and breathe into the possibilities you will create during your time in and after Mexico. We’ve taken care of all the details and the trip is tailored for women just like you who are ready for major life transformation. And you get TWO highly qualified, experienced facilitators to hold the juicy space for this fabulous group of women. The only thing you will pay for is a couple of extras (massage, drinks, souvenirs) so you can sit back and enjoy the experience. We’ve designed and created a program that offers a transformational experience and it all starts with the first “YES”!!


At the end of our retreat, participants shared- "it was worth every penny!"


Cancellation Policy

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Your $500 deposit is non-refundable. Your deposit is transferable to another person for the same retreat subject to approval.


Any cancellation made between November 1st, 2024 and January 14th, 2025 will result in a loss of 50% of the total trip fee.  Any cancellation made between January 15th, 2025 and the trip departure will result in a total loss of funds. We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the trip minimum (if we do so your deposit is refunded in full). We reserve the right to determine if you are a good fit for this trip (if not, your deposit will be refunded in full). Reservations made after January 15th, 2025 must be paid in full.  


Trip cancellation insurance is ALWAYS recommended whenever making travel plans.  You can use our suggested Travel Guard Insurance online and choose from several policy options.


This cancellation policy is firm therefore please do NOT make any travel arrangements until you receive your registration confirmation from Margaret & Page.

© 2023 | Thrive with Margaret and Page

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with love,

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